So far, my holiday gift guides have all revolved around running, sports, and fitness. But what do you get for your favorite person who is owned by a cat? Obviously, something for the cat.
Gifts the Human and Cat Can Enjoy Together
Anything from Purrfect Play. My old cat, Mr. Potter, preferred the wool ping pong balls (they are solid, not hollow). I remember once when Mom was visiting, they played a game for hours: Mom would roll the ball into Mr. Potter’s cardboard box, and Mr. Potter would roll it back out again. My current master, Professor Nick Sterling, rather prefers the wool dust bunnies. There’s usually one under the bed, and one under the dining room table, thought which is where changes every so often. I don’t have a doggo, but I assume the products for puppers are equally awesome. Purrfect Play specializes in toys made of natural materials that are made in the USA. Basically Pam is terrific, her products are quality, and she gives 5% back to animal shelters. So you pretty much cannot go wrong. Support a small business and get the kitty in your life (or your friend’s) some toys.

Gifts for the Cat Who Just Needs to Get Stoned
Anything from Space Kitty Express. Got a cat? You need some Space Kitty Express toys. Especially if your cat doesn’t seem to care for catnip. Before I got Mr. Potter, I assumed all cats liked catnip. Nope, not him. Not regular catnip. Not organic catnip. I even went so far as to get fresh catnip for Mr. Potter, and his response was to pick it out of the bowl and throw it on the floor while berating me for trying to make him eat vegetables. But then my friend Cherylanne and her cat Phasma turned me on to Space Kitty Express. Professor Nick Sterling is partial to silvervine, which I use to refill his Kick Stick, though he also likes the special blend. I also like to give him silvervine sticks, in the hopes he will stop stealing my pens. (Not yet. I’m optimistic though.) He also enjoys the refillable fuzzy mice, while I enjoy one less toy that will end up in the garbage when it loses its scent (because I just refill the mouse, and the Professor acts like it is brand new. If you have any doubt that there are acceptable alternatives to catnip, just check out the Space Kitty Express instagram feed. (Pro tip: that’s also a great place to go if you are having a bad day.) Another small business that deserves your love.

Gifts for the Discerning Decorator
The Scratchy Ramp. Mr. Potter LOVED to scratch, and he took great pains to extensively “personalize” the first sofa I had. (This is why I chose denim slipcovers–easy to mend with old jeans, and automatic shabby chic cred, right?) I thought I’d try to make Professor Nick Sterling at home in the new house by getting him a ramp (he previously used a stack of boxes as stairs up to the bed) but he was NOT at all interested in using this ramp to get up to the bed, so I thought it was going to be a fail. Turns out he just needed to be incentivized to scratch on it (I sprinkled it with some catnip alternatives from Space Kitty Express). I also learned he prefers horizontal scratching (whereas Mr. Potter preferred vertical scratching). Currently the ramp is flattened out and held aloft by a cube storage unit from Target in front of a window, great for birb-watching and hissing-out the neighborhood cats. It’s scratched on daily and shows no wear after a year. The new model has a replaceable carpet deck. They also have a 30-day return period, so if your cat hates it (unlikely), you can send it back. I don’t know if it is still going on, but I saw there was two-for-one sale last week, so you might look.

Gifts for Felines with Cattitude
The handsomest cats wear bow ties. Try Business Catual or Sweet Pickles Designs for a variety of fetching kitty bow ties. (You can probably put them on a smaller dog too. I won’t tell.) Bonus: both are based here in Portland, Oregon. For kitty’s sake, please choose a breakaway collar. If your cat is exceptionally clever, he may invite you to play a game of hide and seek with collar and bow-tie as the “hider” and you as the “seeker.”
Gifts for the Cat Who Has Everything
A charitable endowment. If the cat already has everything, you can also donate cash or presents to your local animal shelter. I’m currently partial to the East Bay SPCA because that’s where I met Professor Nick Sterling, but there are any number of pet, cat, and kitten rescues that could use your help. Many keep a wish list on Amazon. You can also check your local pet shop for a pet “gifting tree” or other opportunities to donate goods to a local shelter or rescue operation.
Got Cats?
What are your best finds for the owned-by-a-cat-people in your life? Bonus points if your recommendation is from a small business!